adam&eveDDB and directors Leila and Damien de Blinkk headed to Canada to film this remarkable new spot for Sony's 4K Ultra HD TV. And indeed, not since Jean-Claude Van Damme and Coors Light have we seen such a noteworthy ad about frozen balls.
Those in question here are blown bubbles that freeze in midair in the icy weather. We see natural crystal-like structures form, with no special effects used. It's lovely stuff—and surely that much more mind-blowing when actually viewed on a 4K Sony TV. The soundtrack is Josef Salvat's version of Rihanna's "Diamonds."
"We were blown away by the beauty of the intricate patterns that the freezing of the bubbles' surface was creating at very low temperature. The feather, flower and star ice shapes were so delicate and mesmerizing when they reflected light," says Leila de Blinkk. "To bring out all these details in 4K was to almost discover a new world, that we didn't suspect existed."
"This time we wanted to create something beautiful that truly reflects the experience of watching a Sony 4K Ultra HD TV—being able to put these fleeting moments of natural beauty on film felt like a fitting successor to all we've done before," adds Gildas Pelliet, head of marketing at Sony Europe.