British supermarket chain Sainsbury's had a bit of an awkward social media moment this week, when a customer noticed a sign encouraging employees to squeeze patrons for more money.
The sign, mistakenly placed in a Sainsbury's window, said: "Fifty pence challenge: Let's encourage every customer to spend an additional 50p during each shopping trip between now and the year-end."
Londoner Chris Dodd posted a photo of the upsell encouragement to Twitter, where it's since been retweeted nearly 5,000 times:
.@sainsburys not sure this is supposed to be in your window...
— Chris Dodd (@mynameischrisd) September 29, 2014
The image sparked embarrassing news coverage for Sainsbury's, but it also inspired competitor Lidl U.K. to have a bit of fun at Sainsbury's expense.
A sign quickly whipped up by Lidl outlined its own 50 pence challenge: "Let's encourage every one of our lovely customers to save as many 50ps as possible."
@LidlUK What a great idea!
— Andy Cohen (@AndySixspeed) October 1, 2014
Without even referencing its competitor, Lidl scored a nice publicity coup and some bonus points with consumers for distancing itself from one of shopping's most annoying daily obstacles.