Anyone who says flying is a terrible experience hasn't had a missing carry-on item returned by KLM's lost-and-found delivery beagle.
Say what, you say?
It's simple, says KLM: Its trained beagle traces the scent of left-behind personal effects—maybe a pink iPhone, or some headphones—and chases down the owner while he or she is still in the airport. Joy, gratitude and cooing abound, warming even the most frozen and incredulous jet-lagged souls (including more than 9 million YouTube viewers at last count).
Is this an excerpt from a 20th century movie about a dog with a big heart who teaches people a thing or two about humanity? Nope, this is an ad by DDB & Tribal Worldwide for a Dutch airline, which is shrewd to pretend it employs a dog who will always be more genuinely happy to see you than any bipedal flight attendant, because the dog will hold out hope that you might reward its loyalty with a snack, but forgive you—or at least forget—if you don't. (Before you hesitate to break off a piece of that beef jerky, don't forget that dogs are people, too.)
Too bad it's all a sham, if a wildly popular one, designed to promote KLM's obviously inferior humankind methods for returning lost items. In other words, it will leave you feeling cheated and disoriented, which at least is consistent with lots of flying experiences.