That Saturday Night Live would skewer Brad Pitt's Chanel No. 5 campaign was "inevitable." That's the word the hunky actor poutingly emoted at the end of his much adored/discussed/maligned Chanel spot that launched last week. Taran Killam appropriately used "inunderstandable" as the tag for the first of several Chanel lampoons on SNL this weekend. Killam makes for a subtly maniacal Pitt, less studly but seemingly more likely to jab you with a pen knife. His first stab at Brad works best, with the faux-commercial devolving into pure drivel, driving home the nonsensical nature of the source material. The joke's stretched a tad thin in subsequent Pitt-erations shilling for Taco Bell, canine condoms and ubiquitous NYC dermatologist Dr. Zizmor. Killam's whispered read of the line "Let your dog keep his balls" is inspired. I doubt the real Pitt could do better. Though I'd like to see him try.
Of the many Chanel send-ups flooding the Internet, the one below is my favorite—a bare-bones marvel that's gotten 500,000 YouTube views (so far) with a most un-Pitt-like performance from a gal with an Aussie accent and soiled face who just wants to stand in the corner and wishes that damn lightbulb would quit swaying overhead. Crikey!