It can get really, really hard to turn away ad dollars in the newspaper industry, but here's a case where the raging desire for revenue is practically erupting across the front page.
Today's South Florida Sun Sentinel prominently features a local Ponzi scheme update, a photo from the Heat's semifinals win ... oh, and a page-width ad about erections.
"When you come to our clinic, you get FIRM," boasts Maxim Men's Clinic, which also promises "erections from 30 min - 2 hours."
Sure, erectile dysfunction went mainstream more than a decade ago, but this ad practically makes AshleyMadison look classy.
Poynter reached out to the publisher and asked if the staff had received any reader complaints. He responded: "I have gotten zero."
UPDATE: According to media observer Jim Romenesko, the publisher now says the placement was "an honest mistake" and was supposed to appear in Sports.
Image via the Newseum.