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Who's Your Daddy? Definitely Not Scooter the Neutered Cat


When it comes to PSAs about controlling the pet population, most of us have come to expect well-intentioned lectures from the likes of Bob Barker. 

Enter Scooter, the neutered cat, ironic love child of Barney Miller and Shaft. He's the coolest cat on the block, ya jive turkey, with "hip spectacles, no testicles." What this pimp-ass cat lacks in testicular payload, he makes up for in spunk.

This spot from givethemten.org and agency Northlich/Cincinnati aims to educate humans about the cat population with directions to spay and neuter clinics, adoption information and a kitty cam.

As their website states, "The cat is America’s favorite pet. At 73 million vs. 68 million, house cats outnumber pet dogs. Yet an additional 70 million cats are without a home due to overpopulation and lack of spay/neuter. Most of those 70 million will never find a home."

Who's your daddy? It's certainly not Scooter, even though this tomcat is definitely getting busy with all the particularly gussied-up female felines. 


Client: GiveThemTen.org
Spot Title: Scooter :30
First Airdate: April 28, 2014
Agency: Northlich/Cincinnati
Producer: Diane Frederick
Creative Director: Kerry Broderick
Art Director: Laura Gels
Copywriter: Terry Dillon
Production Company: Superlounge/Los Angeles
Director: Jordan Brady
DP: Wyatt Troll
Executive Producer: Dave Farrell
Music: Circa Music

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