Ladies, are you looking for "the perfect solution to his stinking pollution"? If so, we've got some good news: Poo-Pourri is back with another spritz of its sweet-smelling viral advertising.
The spray, made to be used before (not after) dropping a deuce, tallied a truly impressive 26.5 million views on its "Girls Don't Poop" video back in September.
This time, the brand's eloquent maven of miasma is focused on the feces of the less-fair sex: "What if there was a natural, more effective way to make sure you never have to smell his man-manure again?"
There are even multiple Poo-Pourri options for the discerning defecator: Trap-a-Crap, Royal Flush, Heavy Doody and Poo-Tonium.
It's not quite as hypnotic as the first video's seemingly ceaseless descriptions of explosive expulsions, but it's still one of the better two-minute ads you're likely to come across.