They pout, they preen, they shill. And more than likely, they score.
The members of One Direction, boy band and global merchandising phenomenon, star in a new video that's not a total goof (not intentionally anyway) despite the presence of a fussy photographer named "Girolle." The short film, with its photo-shoot setup, hypes the singers' second perfume, called That Moment.
Not a card-carrying member of the 1D fan club? Then watching the vignette might be as painful as gargling a cucumber and cedarwood-scented cologne. But it comes as no shock that the young Brits are extending their female-fueled brand again. Their first perfume, Our Moment, was the fastest-selling fragrance of last year.
And so what if the just-released video is a mishmash of worn clichés, bad accents and faux seriousness? (And one bejeweled crotch!) Any glimpse of the superstars making silly faces, mugging for the camera or even drawing breath will probably move product.
What does That Moment really smell like? Green apple and greenbacks.