Samuel L. Jackson reprises his role from Adam Mansbach's "Go the F**k to Sleep" in this new pro-Obama video titled, "Wake the F**k Up." The four-minute short film attempts to recharge Obama's base, who rallied so passionately four years ago but now seem to have lost hope. It's scripted by Mansbach himself in a rhyming, storybook fashion. Jackson, wearing his iconic Kangol hat, addresses all the members of a family, from the Facebooking daughter to the frisky grandparents, telling them to wake the f**k up and start campaigning for Obama. It was paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research, which also funded Sarah Silverman's offer to "scissor" Sheldon Adelson. They say they have more memes planned in the remaining weeks before the election. But of course, in many states, early voting has already started. The NSFW version is below; watch a bleeped version here.