Beginning today, and every Friday, we're going to be slipping on our crampons, grabbing our pickaxe and carabiners and descending into the foreboding caves of Deep YouTube in search of the world's weirdest commercials.
Below, check out this week's collection—seven solid-gold ads that will make you laugh, cry, run for cover, or all of the above.
• Eat gum, ride enormous magical kitty to work! Country: Japan.
• The political situation in Eastern Europe is often complicated, but here it's clearly bananas. Country: Hungary.
• Asking for chips is a problem for some people. Enter the scary-ass talking tiger spirit animal. Country: U.K.
• El anuncio de el Rancho De Jack es muy estraño. Country: U.S.
• Fantasizing about American girls rolling around in coffee will be a problem for your relationship. Country: Georgia.
• Need to wake up? These terrifying giant chickens will do the trick. Country: Australia.
• These coat racks were Neil deGrasse Tyson's first choice for his spaceship in Cosmos. Country: The Netherlands.