Business cards already seem pretty retro in the world of modern networking, but here's one that manages to be both cutting-edge and vintage at the same time.
Portland-based photographer Kevin Bates made a business card for himself that is also a playable Tetris game. Bates calls his creation the Arduboy, since it's a Game Boy clone built on a stripped-down Arduino board that only has room for the essentials: a four-direction digital control pad, two buttons and a tiny OLED screen.
It's not exactly something you can order in bulk from Vistaprint, what with all the soldering involved, so I don't think Bates will be passing these out at cocktail parties anytime soon. With a Kickstarter campaign in the works, Bates says his goal is to sell similar cards for $30 each, with a hand-designed version for $50 and a custom-skinned model for $100. He says he's also looking for a manufacturer to produce them in bulk to reduce the price even further.
He says he'll release the Arduboy's plans and source code publicly at some point though, which is just as good, and this project should kick up more business for him than traditional networking ever would anyway.