"My Beautiful Woman" is a 20-minute video consisting of three short films, and while 20 minutes might sound like an eternity on YouTube, this one's definitely worth it.
The stories—narrated in Thai, subtitled in slightly broken English—are beautiful, emotional and likely to move sentimental types like me to tears. The real surprise is that these films are all ads for lingerie brand Wacoal, though you'd never know it from the completely unsexual storytelling.
Each movie tells a story about a "beautiful woman," and then quietly closes with the copy "Wacoal believes all women were created to be beautiful." It follows up with the request: "Who is your beautiful woman? Post a photo and hashtag #MyBeautifulWoman."
I don't want to give away the stories, because the video is a lovely must-see and surprising in its subtle twists. Some may argue that they're sappy or cloying, and there are certainly some cultural differences to take into account, but feel free to block this off as your sniffly-faced feel-good moment of the day.