I can't believe I'm typing these words, but the new Myspace redesign is bringing sexy back. Gone are the glitter unicorn backgrounds that made the interface impossible to view or navigate. Gone, too, is the crappy logo that we all knew was just lipstick on a pig. The whole thing has been redesigned from the ground up. Justin Timberlake broke the news in a tweet that linked to a video introduction to the new interface, which seems well designed to handle the needs of musicians in particular. Timberlake is not just a hired spokesman for Myspace—he's part of the group of investors who completed the redesign. Word is he's also been beta-testing it with all his celebrity friends. "With every obstacle comes an opportunity, and I see this, as it speaks to somebody like me, as bridging the gap," he tells The Hollywood Reporter. "It's just bringing the connection that much closer while still making the artist feel comfortable that they can make their art, lock themselves in a room and torture themselves as they do, and still find a way to comfortably connect with their fan base." So, if you want to join the hot party full of Timberlake's hot friends, hop over to new.myspace.com and get your invite on. What's next? A relaunch of GeoCities?