Meet Domestic Abuse Barbie, a doll that will not be modeling for Sports Illustrated or appearing in toy stores anytime soon.
Sam Humphreys, an artist out of the U.K., has transformed the iconic doll for her photo series called "What If?" The images, some of which could be seen as raising awareness of domestic violence (though the artist says they're "by no means intended to be used as an educational tool"), are based on a theoretical question: “What if we were to teach our children at an early age about the harsh realities that face some?”
On her website, Humphreys says the series is not for children, but she is demonstrating that life for some isn't as perfect as Barbie's life suggests. While some images depict Barbie with black eyes and a bloodied mouth, the series also "explores insecurity, loneliness, illness and addiction."
This Barbie needs to set up a playdate with Teen Mommy Darci.
More images below. Via PSFK.