When Google services go down, apparently no one wins. Case in point: Competitor Yahoo is being called a coward for deleting tweets that mocked today's global Gmail outage.
"Earlier today, a tweet that reflected bad judgment was posted and has been deleted," Yahoo noted via Twitter around 4:30 Eastern today. "We apologize to @Google and the @Gmail team."
While the original tweet simply said "Gmail is temporarily unavailable" with a screenshot of Gmail's access error, Yahoo put salt in the wound by continuing to tweet the same message at least four times in parody of the ongoing outage.
Instead of being praised for a change of heart and good sportsmanship, Yahoo quickly felt the tide of criticism turn against the company. Some responses accused Yahoo of merely wanting to avoid looking like a hypocrite if it faces its own email outage in the future, while others simply said the retraction was "laaaaammme."
Below you can see one of Yahoo's original tweets and some of the many responses to its apology.
(Screenshot via Marketing Land.)
Earlier today, a tweet that reflected bad judgment was posted and has been deleted. We apologize to @Google and the @Gmail team.— Yahoo (@Yahoo) January 24, 2014
Google should publicly and theatrically refuse to accept @yahoo's lame apology.— kai macmahon (@kaimac) January 24, 2014
Apparently, having a sense of humor is frowned upon at @Yahoo. They made fun of Google for gmail outage, but then https://t.co/DV0uaon1k2— John Breech (@johnbreech) January 24, 2014
.@Yahoo you deserved the right to bask in your moment. you don't need to apologize. we understand...even if we don't use you.— Rich Jones (@IAmRichJones) January 24, 2014
Head of social was probably just fired @Yahoo but shouldn’t be. I thought #gmail tweet was refreshing and in good fun.— Andy Rosenberg (@AndyTheGiant) January 24, 2014
Why is @Yahoo apologizing for its amazing #gmail tweet? Take ownership for good shade! Say #sorrynotsorry.— Manuel Rapada (@manuelrapada) January 24, 2014
Now that #Gmail is back up @Yahoo is stepping back. Weak move Yahoo, weak move.— Junior Lopez (@blank_lopezJr) January 24, 2014
.@Yahoo Are you serious? You schmucks actually do something right for once and then apologize for it?— AG (@AG_Conservative) January 24, 2014