"Don't let these assholes steal your vote." That's one of the less foul-mouthed utterances Sarah Silverman makes in her latest election-themed appeal, as she targets the new voter-ID laws in effect this year in many states—laws that are ostensibly meant to prevent voter fraud but are actually more likely to disenfranchise voting blocs that are partial to President Obama. Silverman has been a star of political activism through comedy since 2008, when her pro-Obama "The Great Schlep" video, done by Droga5, became wildly popular (and won a Titanium Lion in Cannes in 2009 to boot). In an earlier video this election cycle, she tempted a Romney donor with sexual favors—even demonstrating the positions she would employ. In this video, amid a ton of F-bombs, she's content to mock-badger veterans and the elderly into learning the new rules. In one memorable exchange, she tells one vet that his Purple Heart will be about as useful on Election Day as her own "yellow discharge." The video points to a website, letmypeoplevote2012.com, which offers a host of information about the voter-ID laws.