The Liquid-Plumr marketing team is following up its innuendo-filled, sexually charged "Double Impact" and "Need it Now" spots—both by DDB California—with a 2014 calendar dedicated to sexy plumbers.
Each month features a hunky model-plumber with centerfold stats (May's guilty pleasure is sticky buns) and a short piece of copy on plumbing care, with the adjectives "thick" and "deep" used ad nauseam.
It is, admittedly, a clever distraction from the actual fact that these products are for something completely unsexy: toilets and clogged drains.
"Only have 10 minutes? I only need 7 with Liquid Plumr Urgent Clear ... I'm a fan of quickies."
"Just put it [in] and let it do its thing."
"A 23-inch snake to reach deep in your pipe ..."
We get it. You mean sex.
The photography was shot by Patrick Fraser of Friend + Johnson.