Most Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals make sure that everyone's aunt gets her memory-foam slippers and reindeer sweater at 50 percent off. But Cards Against Humanity decided to do a completely different promotion this year.
In a Facebook post, it made a strange offer: For a limited time, everything was $5 more!
The promo was well received by its mainly millennial audience. "Please release a promo code so I can get this deal all year round," wrote one fan.
This latest campaign for the party game—following its "12 Days of Holiday Bullshit" promotion—is consistent with the brand's snarky, self-deprecating voice. (If you're on the Cards Against Humanity site and you click a button to tweet about it, the auto-tweet is "This game sucks." The FAQ section has the heading "Your dumb questions.")
On Monday, they announced that the "sale" was over.
Fan responses ranged from "Ugh. Everyday prices. How inconvenient" to "If I wanna pay more, I should be able to pay more! This is the fuckin' U.S. of fuckin' A, dammit!"
It was a fun break in the midst of watching all those Black Friday videos of people throwing down over discounted waffle irons.