Dec. 1 will be a tough day for a lot of guys, including Dan. That Movember mustache, the object of so much spousal derision for weeks now, must come off. Shaving brand Harry's tries to lessen the blow in this amusing video from Droga5 in New York, in which a guy and his mustachioed, cool-but-not-cool alter ego come to terms with the day of reckoning in the morning mirror. Harry's is also going a step further by declaring Dec. 1 to be an invented holiday called "National Shave Day," and has built a whole nationalshaveday.com site to promote it. Sure, that may be (literally) bald-faced marketing opportunism, but it could help ease the grief for guys nationwide on Sunday—as Harry's is partnering with barbershops and boutiques nationwide to give out free shaves and limited-edition razors.
Client: Harry's
Agency: Droga5, New York
Production Company - Arts & Sciences
Director - Tom Scharpling
DOP - Paul Yee
Production Designer - Ada Smith
Producer - Rob Hatch-Miller
Producer - Puloma Basu
Executive Producer - Mal Ward
Executive Producer - Marc Marrie
Editorial - Production Company Productions
Editor - Rob Hatch-Miller
Post Production - The Room / Lively Group
VFX Supervisor - Russell Mack
Color - Benjamin Murray
Sound - Silver Sound
Mixer - Ted Robinson
Sound Design - Dan Dzula