Dogs "sing" a "We Are the World"-esque power ballad in this ad for Pet Trust, a Canadian organization that's trying to end animal cancer as we know it. Thankfully, they're not joined by Sarah McLachlan at any point. I like that the sound engineer is a cat, because in real life cats are jerks who would totally screw up the vocal mix on purpose just to prove a point. It would probably pee on the microphone covers, too. Print work and credits below.
Agency: Red Urban.
Campaign Title: "Keep Cancer on a Leash"
Music Video Title: "We Could Be Heroes"
Client: Nestle Purina / Pet Trust
Vice President, Product and Strategy Communications: Mary Siemiesz
Managing Director, Pet Trust: Karen Scott
Agency: Red Urban
Creative Director: Christina Yu
Art Director: Patrick Shing
Writer: Matt Syberg-Olsen
Integrated Producer: Terri Vegso
Strategy and Development Director: Keith Barry
Creative Resources Manager: Mary-Claire Barlow
Production Company: Untitled Films
Director: Curtis Wehrfritz
Producer: Michael Smith
Executive Producer: Lexy Kavluk
Production Designer: Matt Hopkins
Dlirector of Photography: Kris Belchevski
Postproduction: Rooster Post
Editor: Christina Humphries
Assistant Editors: Adam Cunliffe, Jawin Laverde
Producer: Yumi Suyama
Executive Producer: Melissa Kahn
Transfer: Alter Ego
Colorist: Eric Whipp
Online: Fort York
Flame Artist: Ernie Mordak
Assistant Flame Artist: Jason Pereira
Audio: Pirate, Toronto
Director: Chris Tait