Here's a clever way to make an agency Facebook page a bit more lively. Zaraguza, a digital shop in Bratislava, Slovakia, has created "the world's first real-time Facebook cover" for its page, with a new photo from an office webcam uploaded every 15 seconds. By hitting F5 while viewing the company's Facebook page, you can watch the goings-on at the agency throughout the day. The case study below shows some of the ways the shop uses the photo to keep fans engaged. The result has been thousands of new Likes for the agency, along with some speculation among Facebook dev nerds about how they did it. It's generally assumed Zaraguza used the network's API to upload a constant stream of cover photos without publishing the image to fans' news feeds. If nothing else, it's a nice illustration of the perks a brand can get access to by hiring a dedicated Facebook developer. (Hat tip to my friend Dane.)