Contradiction is the key to this brilliantly graphic online spot for Poo-Pourri, a toilet spray that eliminates odor. They took a beautiful woman with a refined British accent and gave her a complete potty mouth. From the moment she admits she just "birthed a creamy behemoth from [her] cavernous bowels," I was glued to my seat. In fact, the PooPourri girl spent two days sitting on that toilet for the spot, discussing her tenacious skid marks and being licked by cows. But it's not all shits and giggles. She also dumps a steaming load of information on us, with explanatory poop-related animation. It needs it, because Poo-Pourri (yes, it's a real product) is the only toilet spray that you use before you pinch a loaf—a difficult concept for those of us used to aerosol sprays and old-fashioned matches. The spot, which has topped 1.5 million YouTube views in three days, is courtesy of the Harmon Brothers, two guys who launched their own product, Orabrush, before moving on to handle PooPourri's marketing with even more style. Smart move. PooPourri will come out smelling like roses if the product is half as winning as the PooPourri girl. Credits below.
Directed by Joel Ackerman
Written by Joel Ackerman
Additional writing by Daniel Harmon
Additional writing by Jeffrey Harmon
Producer: Tess Kelly
Director of Photography: Tel Stewart
PooPourri Girl: Bethany Woodruff
Boyfriend: Jordan Hunter
Editor: Tel Stewart
Artwork: Daniel Harmon and Nicole Story
Animation: Tel Stewart
Dress Created by: Nicole Story (amazing PooPourri employee!)
Makeup and hair by Michelle Miles
Gaffers: Tyler Stevens and Kelsie Moore
Set Construction: Jonas Sappington and Dallin Blankenship