In May, we saw a billboard use lenticular printing to illustrate how violence against children can easily go unseen. Now, a new PSA from the United Nations Children's Fund is taking a different approach to making invisible abuses visible. "Just because you can't see violence against children doesn't mean it isn't there," says Liam Neeson, star of the Hollywood child-trafficking drama Taken, and a Unicef celebrity ambassador, in the voiceover. Titled "End Violence," the spot offers a gritty and blunt perspective on the dangers and traumas that children across the globe face on a regular basis, from gang rape to cyber bullying. But while the camera pans across a series of scenes where such crimes take place, it doesn't show any of the perpetrators or victims. Instead, Neeson's voiceover fills in, describing the violence that occurred in each. It's a deft and gripping way to deliver a hard-hitting message—shocking the audience into paying attention, without shutting it down by making the violence more overt. A longtime Unicef supporter, Neeson explains why he supported this particular campaign: "It was a topic that became increasingly real to me as a child growing up in Ireland and during the filming of Taken, which focuses on one aspect of violence and abuse against children in the form of trafficking and sexual exploitation." A number of other stars, including Jamie Foxx and Alyssa Milano, have tweeted their support for the campaign.