When copywriter Matt Bull was given free use of a Dallas billboard for a month, he did what many of us would do: He devoted it to sloth-related violence. Since the billboard was a reward from Clear Channel for Bull's quirky creativity, he chose to advertise SlothPunchClub.com, a URL he offered to hand over to whomever could come up with the best proposal for how it should be used. This week, Bull announced the winner: artist Timmy Hamm, aka "Sloth," who plans to create a series of sloth-related custom shoes and give them away to lucky monthly winners.
"Timmy plans to keep the community-driven/freeware/contest spirit of this enterprise alive, which is cool," Bull writes on his startup agency's website, DepartmentOfPersuasion.com."His idea for Sloth Punch Club is to create one pair of shoes every month featuring a sloth punching something, and give them away. Each winner gets to be a member of the very exclusive Sloth Punch Club, and also gets to choose what exactly the target of the sloth's fists will be on the next pair of shoes Timmy gives away. It's simple and stupid and I love it."
As for Bull, who rapidly rose to Internet prominence when his first solo client work went viral, he reports his major source of life stress has shifted from finding paying work to simply getting all his new work done. So congrats to Matt, and to Timmy, and to the future members of the highly exclusive and well-shod Sloth Punch Club.